Why Outsourcing Fundraising Calls Makes Good Financial Sense

If you run a non-profit agency, it can be difficult to concentrate on the core mission of your organization when you are bogged down with the necessary task of making solicitation calls to donors. Unfortunately, these calls are critical to the success of your organization and cannot be ignored or put on the back burner.

While many non-profit agencies are understandably concerned about outsourcing these calls, most organizations that have done so have been extremely satisfied with the results. What follows are three of the major benefits of outsourcing these types of calls:

  1. Increased productivity: Without the stress of trying to solicit funds, a non-profit staff is able to better focus on its core mission. This means that the agency itself experiences more successful outcomes which makes it more attractive to donors.
  2. Additional funding: Time strapped non-profit staff simply do not have the time to make the number of calls necessary for a successful campaign. Unfortunately, fewer calls mean fewer donations. It’s that simple. By outsourcing these tasks you can be sure that as many potential donors as possible are being contacted. Further, outsourcing your fundraising calls makes good financial sense for non-profit organizations that would otherwise be forced to hire additional staff to make these calls.
  3. Professional appeals: Those who work at non-profits do so because they are interested in advancing the mission of that agency. It is doubtful that they work there because they want to make donor calls. When you outsource these tasks you can be sure that your agency is presented in a professional manner by agents who are experienced in these types of calls.

In addition to outsourcing your outbound donor solicitation calls, inbound fundraising support also is a good idea. Remember, donors don’t just decide to give during normal business hours. You also can partner with a telemarketing firm that will be able to answer calls day or night. This ensures that there is always someone available to a donor wanting to learn more about your organization or make a donation.

Finally, a quality telemarketing firm which specializes in donor calls also can help you to keep in contact with friends of your organization. After all, the key to successful fundraising is to maintain a loyal base of supporters. The right teleservices firm will be skilled at making follow-up thank you calls and providing updates to donors on how a non-profit is continuing its important work.