What to do When Your Lead Generation Efforts Don’t Produce Leads

Are your lead generation efforts falling flat? If the answer to this question is yes, you are not alone. Most business report poor lead generation results at one time or another.

While it would be wonderful if you could pinpoint one specific reason for subpar lead generation results, often it is more than just one thing that is holding you back. If you are having trouble generating the number and quality of leads you had hoped for, you may want to consider some of the most common reasons lead generation efforts fail. And once you know why your lead generation efforts are faltering, you can begin to turn things around.

  1. Wrong strategy. Direct mail, email marketing, telemarketing and tradeshows are just a few of the lead generation tactics used today. If the method (or combination of methods) you have chosen aren’t working, it’s time to mix things up.
  2. Poorly designed landing page. If you are trying to lure customers and prospects to your website and your landing page is slow or hard to navigate, count any lead that visits your page as a wasted lead. First impressions are lasting so anything that looks bad or gives the impression of being unsecure will send leads running the other way.
  3. Boring content. Poorly written, outdated or irrelevant content are all a huge no-no. People want to work with thought leaders in their industry and thought leaders in their industry would never publish content that wasn’t clear and compelling.
  4. No call-to-action. What do you want leads to do once you get their attention? It may seem obvious to you but not to your leads. A good call-to-action will cause leads to take the natural next step in your relationship.
  5. Lack of incentives. Do you give your target audience a good reason to connect with you? Discounts on products or service, eBooks or free trials are all great ways to get prospects to give you a try.

One you have figured out how to get leads knocking at your door, the next step is to make sure you have the infrastructure to turn those leads into customers. However, if you never get the leads in the first place, none of that will matter.