Seven Ways to Target and Connect with Prospects

Seven Ways to Target and Connect with Prospects

Targeting and connecting with prospects is crucial to any effective lead generation strategy. Implementing such a strategy involves a great deal of time and money and the success of the strategy can literally make or break a business.

If you are in the market for some new customers, it is essential that you don’t waste your resources on a strategy that is unlikely to reap any rewards. If you want to be as successful as possible in attracting new customers, here are some ways to help make that happen:

  1. Get to know your target audience. Surveys are a great way to get to know potential customers and also allow you to present your brand in the best possible light. Surveys also allow you to find out where prospects hang out online and how they prefer to be contacted.
  2. Pinpoint your competitors customers. Why reinvent the wheel if you don’t need to? Finding out who your competitors are trying to attract-and how they are doing it-can help you figure what you might be overlooking.
  3. Up your social game. The best thing about social media is that a little effort goes a long way. Instead of just promoting your brand on social media, use Facebook and Twitter, for example, to leave a solid impression on potential customers. When you put personality into your social media posts people will feel like they know you—and over time they will come to trust you, as well.
  4. Be responsive. Always answer calls, respond to emails and engage on social media. You never know when the person contacting you is your next big client. You also want to gain a reputation as a company who cares and really listens.
  5. Get reviewed. More and more people won’t even consider making a purchase unless they have read what others have to say about a product. That is why it is so important that you publish customer reviews and testimonials on your website. You also can send samples of your products to trade publications for their review
  6. Remember that content is king. It sounds cliché but content is still king. The more you publish original and compelling content the more potential customers will come to know your name and trust what you have to say. If you don’t have the resources to write your own content, hire someone to write it for you.
  7. Publish a newsletter. Personalized email newsletters are a cost-efficient way to get in front of customers and prospects. Again, if you don’t have time to author such a newsletter hire someone to do it for you.

Getting in front of new customers isn’t an easy job. It takes time and money. However, if you don’t get the job done right, chances are you won’t land any new customers, either.