Is Your B2B Company Overlooking the Power of Follow-Up Calls?

 Is Your B2B Company Overlooking the Power of Follow-Up Calls

A recent study shows that follow-up calls are an exceptionally powerful marketing tool, with almost half of marketers saying these calls are their most effective tool for sales conversions. Unfortunately, many salespeople are still hesitant to make follow-up calls.

The fact is, the more follow-up calls, the better chance of sales success. So why do salespeople shy away from calling? In many cases it is because they think that the person they are calling doesn’t want to be bothered but this is not the case. A Harvard Business Review article, Your Customers Still Want to Talk to a Human Being, states that many businesses are overlooking an important fact: Communicating by voice is fast, easy and more effective than digital communication.

The article also states: “Voice is central to communication, and because it’s not strictly an online channel, it presents a challenge for brands that treat digital transformation as a matter of generating clicks and website views.”

If follow-up calls are a challenge for your company, it may be time to bring in a business-to-business lead generation firm. Every day at Tactical Telesolutions we make follow-up calls for B2B companies just like yours.

Give us a call today at 800-700-7422 to find out how we can help you make the type of follow-up calls that lead to higher sales conversions!