Why Writing Off Cold Calls Could Hurt Your Sales Numbers

Many marketing experts will tell you that at the start and end of a sales engagement, phone calls are almost always the best course of action. At the beginning of a relationship you want to make a connection and when you close a deal you want to cement the relationship. There are plenty of lead nurturing tactics to use in between – email, for example – but nothing will every replace the sound of a voice on the other end of a call.

Cold Calling vs. Cold Emailing

When it comes to connecting with prospects, most companies put all their eggs in one of two baskets – cold calling or cold emailing. The truth is, however, that the best way to begin engaging with prospects involves calling and emailing.

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Does Your Lead Generation Strategy Need to Shift Gears During the Pandemic?

It is easy to see how COVID-19 has altered the marketing landscape. What is often harder to understand is why some B2B marketers have adapted more easily than others. The fact is the most successful companies are successful because they found ways to innovate.

Lead Generation in the Time of COVID

Successful lead generation in the midst of a global pandemic presents unprecedented challenges. In order to rise to these challenges, marketers must be mindful of the fact that what worked in the past may no longer work due to a shift in buying behaviors and patterns. There are ways, however, to customize lead generation strategies in these uncertain times.