B2B vs. B2C Lead Generation

B2B vs. B2C Lead Generation

When it comes to lead generation, many companies fail to make the important distinction between B2B and B2C clients. While it’s common mistake, it’s also a costly one.

Even though both are technically customers, forging relationships with individuals and companies involve different approaches. In order to ensure that you are connecting with your B2B and B2C prospects in the right way, it is vital that you understand the differences between the two. What follows are some of most significant differences between B2B and B2C customers and how that effects your lead generation efforts:

Length of the sales cycle: The B2B sales cycle is usually much longer than the B2C cycle. Therefore, more time and effort will need to be devoted to B2B lead generation efforts. B2C purchases tend to be quicker and do not usually involve long-term contracts.

Audience: B2C lead generation is directed at a broad audience because of the volume of people you are targeting. B2B lead generation efforts, on the other hand, are focused on a smaller pool of decision makers so need a more personal and targeted approach.

Purchase habits: B2C customers will do a great deal of research before making a major purchase so they will want to read lots of content and have access to product information and reviews. B2B customers respond better to promotions or offers that hit them when their contract with a competitor ends or during specific purchasing phases.

Decision factors: B2C lead generation works to build personal relationships so that when a customer decides to make a purchase, they know who they can trust. They also are more focused on price since they are spending their own money. When it comes to prices, B2B customers and prospects will take for granted you are giving them the best possible deal.

Response to telemarketing: Sales calls are expected in the world of B2B lead generation. B2C clients are less responsive to sales calls so it is important to tread carefully. Asking for permission via social media, for example, can help B2C customers and prospects be more responsive to sales calls.

Product knowledge: B2B lead generation efforts often involve answering very specific product questions so it is vital that B2B marketers know their product inside and out. B2C marketers also need to answer questions but these questions are usually less in-depth.

When it comes to lead generation, your marketing approach must be tailored to your particular prospect. Understanding the subtle differences between B2B and B2C customers will go a long way toward making your lead generation efforts successful.